Multi Country Programmes

Environmental protection, improvement of health and social services, construction of safer societies and faster railways, protection against floods, development of entrepreneurship, promotion of tourist offer, faster crossing of borders, preservation of cultural heritage, education and employment of young people, greater competitiveness of agriculture; these are just some of the challenges and priorities Serbia and its citizens share with neighbouring countries on a daily basis. Some identified problems are best solved at the regional level, where joint actions with other countries in the region achieve the desired results at lower costs.

The European Union finances regional cooperation, primarily cooperation between candidate countries such as Serbia and potential candidates, as well as between candidate countries and EU Member States with which they borders. In addition, in the 2014-2020 budget period IPA II also supports measures involving several countries (so-called Multi-beneficiary/country IPA II). Participation in these programmes co-operation in the region and with EU Member States is a respectable way of preparing for the EU membership and managing wealthier structural funds. Regional cooperation programmes also play a major role in fostering good neighbourly relations and reconciliation in the region.

Total EU assistance in Multi-country programmes in period of 2014-2020 was EUR 2.98 billion. 

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Multi country programme consist of 4 components: Regional Investment Support, European Territorial Cooperation Programmes (INTERREG), Regional Networks and Horizontal Support.

Regional Investment Support

Targeting projects with a clear regional dimension that help socio-economic development in more than one IPA II beneficiary and address in particular investment needs related to: Competitiveness of business Connectivity between beneficiaries and EU countries Environmental protection & climate change mitigation/adaptation. The main instruments providing such support are:Western Balkans Investment Framework (WBIF)Western Balkan Enterprise Development and Innovation Facility (WB EDIF)Green for Growth FundEuropean Fund for…

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European Territorial Cooperation Programmes- INTERREG

Interreg is one of the key instruments of the European Union supporting cooperation across borders through project funding. Its aim is to jointly tackle common challenges that are faced by citizens and businesses on a daily basis and find shared solutions in fields such as health, environment, research, education, transport, sustainable energy and more. The key is to find employment, receive better healthcare, make use…

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Regional Networks

Regional structures & networks promote regional cooperation, networking and sharing of best practice to help IPA II beneficiaries to prepare for EU membership, align national legislation with EU law (acquis) and gradually adapt to EU standards and practices.  

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Horizontal Support– Twinning and TAIEX

This type of assistance concerns providing practical advice and support by state administration of a particular Member States to public administration of Serbia to ensure compliance with Union legislation. Twining projects imply a long-term stay (at least 12 months) of a civil servant from a Member State to the same institution in Serbia, for example from the German Ministry of Environmental Protection to the same…

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Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09