Regional Networks

Regional structures & networks promote regional cooperation, networking and sharing of best practice to help IPA II beneficiaries to prepare for EU membership, align national legislation with EU law (acquis) and gradually adapt to EU standards and practices.  


Regional Cooperation Council (RCC)

With the establishment of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) in February 2008, the “structure” of regional co-operation in Southeast Europe was formed. The RCC is focused on sectoral co-operation in the region and development of regional projects of common interest through economic and social development, energy and infrastructure, judiciary and internal affairs, security, strengthening of human potential and parliamentary cooperation.…

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Regional School for Public Administration (ReSPA)

At the daily level Public administration participates in all stages of EU accession, and is at the same time in the reform process to become a more reliable and efficient service for citizens and the economy. That's why the administration is the spinal cord of every state, especially in joining the EU, public administration reform is one of the most…

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Prosecutors' Network

As the countries of the Western Balkans are being used more frequently as a base for drugs and arms trafficking, corruption and terrorism within international organised crime, European Union supported professional network of public prosecutors from Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia. From 2011 until 2017 EU supported this Network with EUR 10.5 million. The Network functions on…

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ILECUs - International Law Enforcement Coordination Units

Without strong regional cooperation in police matters, many criminals would skip the justice once they leave the country. Furthermore, organized crime today is transnational oriented and does not know the borders. In each Western Balkans country, Serbia included, European Union funded an International Law Enforcement Cooperation Unit (ILECU) which acts as the single focal point for exchange of information in…

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ECRAN - Environment & Climate Regional Accession Network

With the aim of establishing EU standards on environment and climate change in Western Balkans states, from 2000 until 2016 the EU provided assistance to three consecutive regional programs. They have been the frameworks for exchange of experience and best practices, for the transmission of advanced knowledge and skills, and for institutional build-up. ECRAN, the most recent regional program (2014-2016)…

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SEETO - South-East Europe Transport Observatory

Transport Community, modeled on the Energy Community, is an international organisation composed of the EU and the Western Balkan states. It is not related to the Western Balkans only, having the wider impact on the region through infrastructural investments where EU invested EUR 760 million in 42 projects for better rail connections, safer roads, and quicker border-crossings. Besides investment, its…

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Energy Community

An energy trade in the Western Balkans and integration with the EU market that would improve security of supply for the citizens and industries within the region was the main goals of the Energy Community established in 2006 in Athens (Greece). It also focuses on market liberalisation, environment and energy efficiency that would apply EU internal energy market rules and…

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CEFTA - Central European Free Trade Agreement

The Central European Free Trade Agreement is helping prepare the economies of the Western Balkans for the competitive pressures of the EU single market. Mutual trade liberalisation is intensifying competition and stimulating national reforms to increase competitiveness. Serbia joined the membership of CEFTA on December 2006, together with Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosovo*, North Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania…

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SWG - Regional Rural Development Standing Working Group

The Regional Rural Development Standing Working Group (SWG) is an organization for sustainable rural development established as a platform for networking and regional co-operation in June 2005. It consists of representatives of governmental institutions responsible for agriculture and rural development in the Western Balkans. Accent is given to the development of the capacities of individual farmers, organizations and businesses as…

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Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09