
Basic training sessions on state aid rules held in another 22 local self-government units

Basic training sessions on state aid rules held in another 22 local self-government units

During November 2019, experts engaged within the project Support to the Commission for State Aid Control held basic training sessions for employees of 22 local self-government units in Serbia. This was a continuation of the project activity which envisages organisations of basic training sessions on…

First year of project implementation: training sessions across Serbia and regional networking

First year of project implementation: training sessions across Serbia and regional networking

During the first 11 months of implementation, the project Support to the Commission for State Aid Control has organized basic training sessions on state aid rules in 109 local self-government units across Serbia, as well as four conferences involving experts from EU Member States.In January,…

Inspiring Environment for Integrated Learning of Children – Trainings for Preschool Teachers

Inspiring Environment for Integrated Learning of Children – Trainings for Preschool Teachers

 The preschool teachers from Zitiste, Irig, Velika Plana, Trstenik, Knjazevac and Loznica attended the first training sessions on building an inspirational environment for integrated learning of children.The purpose of these trainings is to strengthen capacity of preschool teachers to develop a quality inclusive program based…

Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09