SUPER project holds First Trainings for Mentors from Preschool Institutions

About 60 practitioners (preschool teachers, associates and principals) attended the first training for mentors from pre-school institutions involved in the SUPER project (Support to Preschool Education System Reform in Serbia) funded by the European Union.

The aim of the training “Mentoring in the development of an inspiring environment for integrated learning of children” is to strengthen the capacity of mentors to work with preschool teachers to develop a quality inclusive programme based on modern pedagogical concepts in line with the concept of the new preschool curriculum framework “Years of Ascent”, as well as to strengthen the capacity of mentors to act as drives of change in preschool institutions. The training was led by Prof Dr Dragana Breneselović Pavlović, a key expert in pre-school education and Prof Dr Živka Krnjaja, a project expert.

During these three-day trainings, future mentors had the opportunity to discuss how a particular space shapes children’s learning, what it is and why it is important to have an inspiring space and how to use furniture, equipment and resources expediently in the complementary project “Furnishing Preschools” funded by the European Union, and develop an inspiring learning environment, in an interactive manner with the lecturers. Participants were also presented with ways to develop a program focused on integrated learning of children in kindergarten.

“Kids learn what they live. They need an inspiring space to learn. How do we build it? You have the equipment, but how do you make the space for children better, more inspiring”, asked Prof Dr Dragana Breneselović Pavlović while addressing the mentors.

First training was held in Ruma, 5-7 September 2019, for mentors from PI Alibunar, Bela Crkva, Opovo, Plandište, Bač, Žabalj, Srbobran, Titel, Čoka, Mali Iđoš, Žitište, Sečanj, Irig, Bajina Bašta, Priboj, Ljig, Osečina, Loznica, Koceljeva, Ljubovija, Mali Zvornik, Lučani and Knić.
The training in Nis held on 12-14 September 2019 brought together mentors from PI Trstenik, Rekovac, Ćićevac, Golubac, Žabari, Žagubica, Velika Plana, Kučevo, Malo Crniće, Petrovac na Mlavi, Boljevac, Knjaževac, Crna Trava, Gadžin Han, Ražanj, Svrljig, Babušnica, Bela Palanka, Dimitrovgrad, Medveđa, Brus, Blace, Kuršumlija, Bosilegrad, Trgovište, Batočina and Raška.

This training is accredited and is put on the List of Programmes of Public Interest approved by the Minister of Education, Science and Technological Development.

New trainings will be held over the coming months for representatives of local self-government units, and fresh two-day training sessions for mentors are scheduled for early December 2019.

In October 2018, the new preschool curriculum framework “Years of Ascent”, was adopted, aimed at the overall development and well-being of the child through an integrated approach to learning, connecting play with other activities, as well as building meaningful relationships with peers and adults in an inspirational space. The Rulebook on the Basics of Preschool Education Programmes allows the new programme to be introduced in preschool institutions starting from September 2019.

Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09