Improving the quality of professional development of teachers, educators and professional associates

In order to improve the quality of professional development of teachers and align it with new teaching and learning programmes, the legislative framework, as well as the results of international and national testing of student achievement and the results of external evaluation of school work, an Analysis of the Catalogue of professional development and teacher training needs analysis were conducted with the support of Redis 2030 project. Having compared the data of these analyses, suggestions were made regarding what needs to be improved in the Catalogue. 

Based on the reports on analyses and recommendations, the representatives of the Institute for Improvement of Education (IIE) and the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development (MoESTD) decided that it was necessary to change the structure of the Catalogue and the accreditation process in order to increase its use value. At the same time, it was agreed that it was necessary to work on changes to the Rulebook which regulates the professional development of teachers. 

In order to support IIE and MoESTD in this process, a two-day workshop was organised in June with the support of the Redis 2030 project, during which the results of the analyses and recommendations for the improvement of the Catalogue and the Rulebook for professional development were presented. During the workshop, the members of the previously established working groups for the revision of the Catalogue and the Rulebook had the opportunity to, through consultations with Redis 2030 project experts, exchange information and opinions. The working groups included representatives of MoESTD, IIE, Institute for education quality and evaluation, several primary and secondary schools, preschool institutions and faculties, as well as regional centre, Centre for Education Policy and Redis 2030 project.

In the final part of the workshop, the working groups considered all received recommendations and the possibilities of their implementation with the aim of developing improved versions of the Catalogue of Professional Development of Teachers and Rulebook on Professional Development and Promotion to the title of teachers, educators and professional associates.

Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09