EU support to Reform of Education in Serbia – RЕdiS 2030

EU support to Reform of Education in Serbia – RЕdiS 2030

Education is the foundation of progress in every society. Recognising the importance of education in addressing social and economic challenges, the European Union assists Serbia in carrying out its education reforms.

The RediS 2030 project is a part of the Sector Reform Performance Contract, which supports the provision of high-quality educational opportunities matching labour market needs. RediS 2030 focuses on:

-Capacity building of key institutions to improve their coordination and cooperation, and apply a sector-wide approach in the education sector,

-Evidence-based policy making, more efficient monitoring and reporting on the education system and support for the new strategic framework in the field of education by 2030,

-Quality assurance mechanisms across the education system,

-Raising awareness of education reforms and their benefits for Serbian citizens, 

-Policy dialogue in the field of education with all relevant stakeholders.

The project is carried out in cooperation with the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development. The project beneficiaries include: the Institute for the Improvement of Education, the Institute for Educational Quality and Evaluation, the National Education Council, the Council for Vocational Education and Adult Education, the National Council for Higher Education, the National Accreditation Body, the Ministry of European Integration, the Ministry of Youth and Sport, the Ministry of Labour, Employment, Veteran and Social Policy, the National Qualifications Framework Council and Agency, the Statistical Office, the Office for Human and Minority Rights, the Roma Inclusion Coordination Body.

Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09