More than 150 students from the outposting department of the “Jastrebački Partizani” Elementary School in Balajnac village in Merošina Municipality are now attending classes in…
The competition is traditionally organised for the thirteenth time, with the aim of encouraging creativity and activism of young people from local self-governments covered by…
The Project organised a
workshop in Novi Sad for all the Council Office employees with the aim of improving
of internal communication. The workshop was…
12. decembar 2019. – Obuka za članice radnih grupa Nacionalnog konventa o Evropskoj uniji i ostale organizacije civilnog društva, Proces pristupanja EU i uloga organizacija civilnog društva…
Break the Chain! Say NO To Corruption!More than 200 students of the final grades and their teachers from high schools from Nis attended the Anti-Corruption…
Harmonisation of legislation in the field of human organ transplantation was the topic of a workshop organised by the Policy and Legal Advice Centre (PLAC…
In cooperation with the Council,
the Project analyzed the training needs of the Office’s staff, in order to
improve their competencies necessary for more efficient…
In the organisation of the project Support to the Commission for State Aid Control, a workshop for members of the Negotiation Group on Competition (Chapter…
As part of the activities
implying the strengthening of capacities of the Council’s Office and issuing
recommendations for more efficient organization and utilization of the…
This text is available only in Serbian. BEOGRAD – Ove godine Srbija obeležava deset godina od podnošenja zahteva za članstvo, a proširenje je opet u centru…
This article is available only in Serbian.BEOGRAD – Komisiju za kontrolu državne pomoći trebalo bi transformisati u samostalni i nezavisni organ tako što bi se njeni…
The European Union (EU) is the biggest donor of assistance for refugees, internally displaced persons (IDPs) and returnees. Since 2001, the EU has donated…