Project came out with the assumptions for the establishment of work- and
time-related standards in the judiciary at the meeting attended by the representatives…
More than 600 pupils attending “Vasa Pelagić“ Primary School in Leskovac will have significantly improved conditions for learning and working in a school that has…
On January 16, 2019, at the Republic Geodetic Authority, the second meeting of the Working Group on the Development of a Specific Implementation Plan for…
Belgrade- In order to achieve better communication with citizens of Serbia about ongoing projects implemented by the European Union (EU), a unique internet platform…
The project was tasked with performing analysis
and assessment of the current situation, gap analysis and needs assessment in
the Serbian emergency management services. The…
Every year, we conduct a short survey to learn about citizens' views on European integration. Contrary to popular opinion, the current EU integration process is…
This text is available only in Serbian.Članstvo Srbije u Evropskoj uniji još nije na dohvat ruke, prvo zbog naše nepripremljenosti da ispunimo sve preduslove za…
Lawyer Sasa Varinac, has served as chairman of the Republic
Commission for the Protection of Rights in Public Procurement Procedures
and is one of the…
During the first 11 months of implementation, the project Support to the Commission for State Aid Control has organized basic training sessions on state aid…
The Project actively
supports the efforts of the Working Group on the normative delineation of
budget authorities between the Council and the Ministry of Justice…
This article is available only in Serbian.20. decembar 2019. – Sednica Nacionalnog konventa o Evropskoj uniji na temu Nacrta programa ekonomskih reformi (ERP) održana je u…