Project IPA Visibility And Communication

What is it about?

Reinforced implementation of visibility and communication activities of IPA programmes is the official name of the project that have to improve visibility and communication about EU support to Serbia through instruments of pre-accession assistance.

Needs for the project

The European Union is the largest donor in Serbia with over 3.6 billion euros in grants, a key trading partner, accounting for almost two-thirds of Serbia's total foreign trade; and a source of two-thirds of all foreign investment. Awareness of EU assistance among Serbian citizens is increasing, but only - 29% know that there are EU projects being implemented in the country (source: opinion poll, November 2018, EUD).

The EU assistance programmes in Serbia

The aim of the project is to improve communication on EU assistance programs to Serbia so that Serbian citizens know more and understand the accession process. While other similar projects (such as EUINFONET) keep the focus on the political and institutional side of the accession process, the specific focus of this project will be on improving the visibility of EU assistance programs in Serbia.

The change

The idea is that changes in the communication take place through three parallel processes. The first is to strengthen the capacity of civil servants in charge of communication about EU funds (IPA Visibility Officers). The second is the implementation of new strategic communication frameworks on IPA programs, the third is the creation and implementation of integrated communication campaigns on IPA programs through sectoral support.

It is about people

The purpose of this project is to transform communication on IPA programs from communication on numbers, procedures and conference reports into the story of Serbian citizens. To the story of important changes in the lives of ordinary people resulting from these changes, and to the story of Serbia's European perspective.

Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09