Cross-Border Cooperation (CBC) Serbia - Bosnia and Herzegovina

The Serbia-Bosnia and Herzegovina Cross-Border Program 2014-2020 supports cross-border cooperation with the aim of promoting good neighbourly relations and socio-economic development of the border area. The program is based on a detailed analysis of common problems and a common strategy for solving them. Common thematic priorities are employment, protection of the environment and the risks of natural disasters, development of tourist offer, protection of culture and natural heritage.

Total EU co-financing for the 2014-2020 Cross-border Co-operation between Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina amounts to EUR 14 million.

By the end of 2019, 49 projects had been funded. Some of them included: joint flood defense projects, promotion of small and medium-sized enterprises in the metal industry, conservation of biodiversity in the Drina River valley, improving the lives of people with disabilities through sports, solid waste management, food security, Neolithic heritage in border areas, improving ski tourism offer and promotion of health tourism, etc. 

Projects Database of Cross-Border Cooperation (CBC) Serbia - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Open Calls

Publishing Date End Date Name and Description
March 20, 2020 June 1, 2020 EXPIRED


Programs: Cross-Border Cooperation (CBC) Serbia - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Sectors: Environment, Transport

For: Small and medium enterprise (SME)

The following announcement contains information about the procurement procedure planned by the Beneficiary Public Utility Company ”RAD” under the “Solid Waste Management Upgrading” project.

PUC “RAD” Sarajevo and PUC “Vrdnik” implement the project financed under IPA CBC Program Serbia – Bosnia and Herzegovina 2014-2020.

This project aims to improve the efficiency and quality of the solid waste collection, transportation and separation in the cross-border region. The first step in this process is to reinforce the efficiency and effectiveness of public service through the purchase of new vehicles. The subject of this contract is the purchase of one Greifer truck and two tanker trucks.

To apply for this Call for procurement, please download Supply Contract Notice and Tender dossier

Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09