
 Chapter 13: Capacity needs assessment for the implementation of fisheries policy

Chapter 13: Capacity needs assessment for the implementation of fisheries policy

The first draft of the assessment of institutional and administrative capacities required for the implementation of Chapter 13 (Fisheries) in Serbia was prepared with the support of the PLAC III project. Project expert Mirta Novak presented a draft assessment report of institutional and administrative capacities needed…

Chapter 12: alignment of the official food controls legislation with new Union acquis

Chapter 12: alignment of the official food controls legislation with new Union acquis

As part of preparations for the opening of Negotiating Chapter 12, PLAC III project has provided support to the Ministries of Health and Agriculture in harmonising national legislation on official food controls with the improved Union acquis.To meet the opening benchmark for Chapter…

Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09