
Chapter 27: how to introduce a register of producers and importers of electronic and electrical equipment

Chapter 27: how to introduce a register of producers and importers of electronic and electrical equipment

In the field of waste management, Serbia needs to improve the implementation of legislation which is, according to the European Commission report, harmonised with the Union acquis. The 2020 data show that only 15.5 percent of waste was recycled, of which less than 2…

Chapter 3: further alignment of the legislative framework with the Third Postal Directive

Chapter 3: further alignment of the legislative framework with the Third Postal Directive

The PLAC III project has continued to provide support to the Ministry of Information and Telecommunications in harmonising the legislation on postal services with Union acquis.Within previous support, the Postal Services Strategy was drafted, as well as a proposal for some amendments to…

Harmonisation of legislation in the area of materials, articles intended to come into contact with food

Harmonisation of legislation in the area of materials, articles intended to come into contact with food

The PLAC III project supported the Ministry of Health in further harmonising the legislation in the area of materials and articles intended to come into contact with food, which is part of ​​negotiation chapter 12 (Food safety, veterinary and phytosanitary policy).The transposition and implementation of…

Negotiation Chapter 3: harmonisation of legislation and development of a new postal services strategy

Negotiation Chapter 3: harmonisation of legislation and development of a new postal services strategy

In the scope of activities related to the Negotiating Chapter 3, the Policy and Legal Advice Centre (PLAC III) project has provided support to the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications in further harmonisation of the Law on Postal Services with Union acquis and in…

Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09