Cross-border cooperation programmes - a solution to local community problems

Cross-border cooperation programmes - a solution to local community problems

To date, the European Union has awarded Serbia a total of EUR 3,6 billion in grants, which makes the EU  the largest donor. Most of the funds were used for public administration reform and large infrastructure projects. However, through Cross-Border and Transnational cooperation programmes, citizens…

Fight against disinformation - media pluralism and citizen engagement needed

Fight against disinformation - media pluralism and citizen engagement needed

The pluralistic and economically sustainable media ecosystem is the best antidote for disinformation, and the Code of Practice on Disinformation is a step in the right direction, but it needs to be improved, EU representatives and media professionals concluded at a debate on disinformation held…

First Project Steering Committee Meeting of the ’’Facility supporting the strengthening Rule of Law in the Republic of Serbia’’

First Project Steering Committee Meeting of the ’’Facility supporting the strengthening Rule of Law in the Republic of Serbia’’

’’EU for Fight against Corruption and for Fundamental rights’’ – is a new motto that unites a whole set of project activities in the field of strengthening the rule of law and which in a very effective way unites partners in the project ’’Facility supporting…

First year of project implementation: training sessions across Serbia and regional networking

First year of project implementation: training sessions across Serbia and regional networking

During the first 11 months of implementation, the project Support to the Commission for State Aid Control has organized basic training sessions on state aid rules in 109 local self-government units across Serbia, as well as four conferences involving experts from EU Member States.In January,…

Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09