For state aid that develops Serbia

Almost 1,100 employees of local self-government units in Serbia have undergone basic training sessions on state aid rules; eight conferences and workshops on modernised state aid rules have been organised and a manual for LSG units has been prepared - these are just some of the results achieved by the project Support to Commission for State Aid Control in 20 months of its implementation.

Within the scope of project activities, expertise was provided in the drafting of the new Law on State Aid Control, lists with existing state aid schemes in Serbia were prepared and, for the first time, a regional conference on state aid was organised. Conferences and workshops were held in several cities in Serbia under the umbrella title "For state aid that develops Serbia", which is one of the key project's messages. Gatherings were the occasions for eminent experts from EU Member States to share their experiences of best European practices.

See more in the new info graphic which contains a photo gallery - records from various events organised by the project but also taken during the work of project experts in the field, in cities and municipalities throughout Serbia.

Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09