EU for Education sector reform – strengthening links with employment and social inclusion

Project activities

The project will assess compliance of the ongoing reform based on assessment of the achievement of main indicators (in accordance with the General and Specific Conditions for the release of fixed and variable tranches as set out in the Annex 1a of the Financing Agreement for the “Sector Reform Contract for Education Reform in Serbia – strengthening links with employment and social inclusion”) and to provide recommendations to the EU Delegation to the Republic of Serbia for disbursement of the fixed and variable tranches and their values to budget of the Republic of Serbia.

The project will also provide the assessment of the financial support provided to Republic of Serbia from Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA I and IPA II) in the field of education and will contribute to future programming of IPA assistance; the draft Communication Strategy for education sector in terms of achievement and impact of the assistance that need to be communicated and proposals of visibility material and products aiming to raise awareness about the EU support to ecuation sector.

Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09