Jobs and economic growth

Projects from sector

EU support for Internal Market

EU support for Internal Market

This project envisages a total of EUR 8 million worth of non-repayable money from IPA 2021 envelope for development of internal market policies and practices…

Support to the improvement of living conditions of most vulnerable IDPs and returnees

Support to the improvement of living conditions of most vulnerable IDPs and returnees

LSG 4 LAP - Durable solutions for IDPs and returnees through partnership

LSG 4 LAP - Durable solutions for IDPs and returnees through partnership

The Project LSG 4 LAP is aimed at providing direct and coherent response to long-standing issues and unresolved housing and economic needs of…

Technical Assistance for Capacity Building in Employment Policy

Technical Assistance for Capacity Building in Employment Policy

What is the project about?The Project will contribute to the implementation of the National Employment Strategy for the period 2011-2020 and the respective annual National…



Improving Business Environment

Improving Business Environment

Business Stimulating Regulatory Framework To support on-going reforms and improve business environment, IBE Project team drafts a proposal for a sustainable and more…

EUBID - European Union Support for Business Incubators Development

EUBID - European Union Support for Business Incubators Development

Project goalsThe aim of this project is to support existing as well as newly established Bis to upgrade their services and adjust them to…

Livelihood Enhancement for the Most Vulnerable Roma Families in Belgrade – Phase Two

Livelihood Enhancement for the Most Vulnerable Roma Families in Belgrade – Phase Two

The second phase of the project “Let’s Build a Home Together” is aimed to provide durable housing solutions for up to 42 Roma…

EU for Cultural Heritage and Tourism

EU for Cultural Heritage and Tourism

The goal of the projectThe goal of this part of the project is to improve and present…

EU Support to the National Employment Service - Direct Grant

EU Support to the National Employment Service - Direct Grant

The project "EU Support to the National Employment Service" is designed for hard-to-employ groups of unemployed persons in NES evidence.Four active…

Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09