LSG 4 LAP - Durable solutions for IDPs and returnees through partnership

The Project LSG 4 LAP is aimed at providing direct and coherent response to long-standing issues and unresolved housing and economic needs of internally displaced persons and returnees under the readmission agreement in 4 local self-governments in Serbia. 

Overall Objective of the Action is to support improvement of the living conditions of IDPs and returnees from readmission process in the Republic of Serbia.

 Specific objectives are:

1) To support improvement of the living conditions of IDPs and returnees from readmission process in Smederevo, Smederevska Palanka, Velika Plana and Kovin;

2) Improvement, promotion and realisation of 4 Local Action Plans (LAP).

The Project is adressing the needs of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) and Returnees under the readmission agreement. The problems that IDPs and returnees are facing are too complex to be addressed and solved by each municipality independently. People are naturally gravitating around bigger administrative centres but more often succeed to find housing in neighbouring municipalities while their economies and social infrastructure remain in bigger cities. In cooperation with partner LSGs, IDC is pioneering regional approach in terms of improving living conditions of final beneficiaries. The Action is designed to solve the problems of the most vulnerable families on the level of Danube county and neighboring municipality of Kovin. In the same time the project is enhancing the extensive sharing of experience and knowledge, given that the partner LSGs are at different level of experience in the project management cycle and they all lack expert support in providing coherent and coordinated response on migration related challenges.

As a result of the Action 

  • 13 IDP/returnee families will obtain durable housing solution through purchase of village houses
  • 35 IDP/returnee families will obtain durable housing solution through delivery of building material for finalization or improvement of existing living conditions;
  • 40 IDPs/returnees will be supported with the training and income generating packages;
  • 4 partner LSGs will be supported in implementation of Local Action Plans (LAPs) for solving the issues of IDPs and returnees and 1 partner LSG supported in process of development of LAP for solving the issues of IDPs and returnees;
  • 4 local communities in Serbia supported with community income generating activities and provision of adequate housing infrastructure

The project is implemented in close coordination with Commissariat for Refugees and Migrations of the Republic of Serbia.

Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09