Integrated Human Resources Mangement in Public Administration of the Republic of Serbia

Following a few years of implementation of the civil service regulatory framework based on a competency model, the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government seeks assistance in building its capacity and developing and implementing a full-fledged methodology for monitoring implementation and assessing the effects of the recently introduced, complex, competence-based civil service policy. The project “Integrated Human Resources Management in Public Administration” provides this exclusive required assistance and is part of the broader support from the European Union for public administration reform (PAR) in Serbia. Further, the project targets support to the Human Resources Management Service (HRMS) in elaborating career development modalities based on competencies with a view to gradually transferring from a positional (job position) to a career-based civil service system. The work entails further development of the competency framework.

The project overall objective is enhancing the capacity and efficiency of Serbian public administration through the effective implementation of civil service reform within the PAR framework.

The purpose of the project is establishing competence based integrated human resources management in public administration.

This project is vital in the ongoing efforts to align Serbian public administration with European standards and practices. Although the target group of the project consists of civil servants and HR units within state administration bodies, the ultimate beneficiaries of the project's results are all citizens of Serbia, who will benefit from a modern and professional public administration, ensuring public services delivery are more responsive and tailored to the needs of Serbian citizens.

The project aims to provide support and reinforcement to the capacities of the MPALSG and the HRMS in enforcing the competence based civil service policy at the central level through two interlinked components:

Component 1 - Sustainable and comprehensive M&E system for monitoring the implementation of all HRM functions:

This component aims to establish a durable M&E system to oversee all HRM functions within the competency-based regulatory framework in state administrate. The project will support MPALSG and HRMS staff in data collection on legislative implementation and HRM functions such as recruitment, performance appraisal, career development, reassignment and promotion. It will include developing data collection methods, quality standards, and monitoring indicators, integrated with the new HRMIS – information system.

Component 2 - Career models based on competencies in the state administration:

This component focuses on introducing career development models based on competencies for civil servants. The project will enhance the current competency framework and recommend steps towards a career-based civil service system. Emphasis will be placed on the competency framework enhancement and supporting the MPALSG and the HRMS in strengthening their capacities in civil servants’ career management (including talent management) measures.


Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09