Young People

There is no better way to mature, learn something, meet new people and broaden your horizons than to travel. That is why student exchange is a great practice, which can make all this possible.

Specifically, students and professors from Serbia have had the opportunity to live, work and study in many European countries for years, and they do so through Erasmus projects. Also, domestic faculties hosted students and professors from abroad, which is a good opportunity for other nations to get to know us.

"The whole atmosphere at the exchange is different. A mixture of many languages, but also culture, often led us to unconsciously learn something more about our own culture. We were representatives of our country, we could see how others saw it in the world and show how big it is, even though it is small on the map," says Miona Miljković, who spent the previous term in France, at Artois University in Arras.

The Erasmus+ Programme is currently in progress, and how you can apply and travel, check at these links: and

These projects are divided according to the target groups for which they are intended. If these are young people aged 13-30, then they are youth exchanges that are conducted for the sake of personal and social development of young people. If they are youth workers, then it is the mobility of youth workers for the purpose of their professional training.

Mobility is an important segment of the projects intended for young people, and specifically implies educational, cultural and tourism mobility, as well as international cooperation and exchange.

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Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09