The Green Pulse of Europe magazine published

The Green Pulse of Europe is the title of the special edition of the Ekolist magazine published in cooperation with the Pulse of Europe - media trips to EU project, in December 2022. The edition contains exclusively articles on the environmental protection produced within the media trips to EU countries organised by the Pulse of Europe project. Environmental protection is at the top of the list of topics that journalists dealt with and investigated during media trips: of the 240 media articles published in 2021 and 2022, a quarter refers to this topic, and the number increases with related topics which were addressed such as urban mobility, smart cities and innovation.

In cooperation with Ekolist - the only printed magazine in Serbia that deals with environmental issues, the Green Pulse of Europe publication was created, which contains a selection of "green" media articles. Their authors are 14 journalists who participated in the Pulse of Europe project and published articles in their media outlets from the following countries:

In the Green Pulse of Europe articles on best European practice are presented: how Grenoble citizens live in autonomous (self-sustainable) buildings, how the best European waste treatment center works in Ljubljana, how Paris purifies water from the Seine and Lyon protects the Rhône and the Saône, but also about civic activism - how the Portuguese make urban gardens and Barcelona gets a playground for children from the intersections.

This is only the first special "green" edition issue. The Pulse of Europe project continues with the initiative because the environment is a hot topic both in Serbia and in the EU.


Green Pulse of Europe is available here. In hard copy, the magazine was delivered to all schools in Serbia, as well as to partners and stakeholder organisations. It will be presented to the public at events planned for January and February 2023.

Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09