New Trainings on Communication Skills and Public Appearance

Judges, prosecutors and police officers from the Special Anti-Corruption Departments of the Higher Public Prosecutor's Office, the Anti-Corruption Departments of the Higher Courts and the Anti-Corruption Departments of the Ministry of the Interior, established in four regional centers, attended the new series of training for improving communication skills and public appearance.

At the trainings held in Belgrade, Nis, Kraljevo and Novi Sad during December 2019 and January 2020 support in external communication, in relations with the media and additional support to public appearance were provided.  

Your role in implementation of the new Law on Organization and Jurisdiction of State Authorities in Combating Organized Crime, Terrorism and Corruption is very important and wider public should be informed about your results. You are the true fighters against corruption”, said Roman Prah, the project Team leader addressing participants.  

The participants estimated that these trainings were very useful, that they acquired the necessary skills for media performance as well as additional knowledge in working with the media. They stressed need for those trainings and stated that this project activity was one of the most useful they have been participated.


Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09