Public Call to Small and Medium Enterprises for Participation in Conducting Ten Free Energy Audits

Information about Public Call:

Public call implements company DAI Human Dynamics GmbH & Co KG.

Within the implementation of the project "Technical Assistance to the Ministry of Mining and Energy for the implementation of the new Energy Law, National Action Plan for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Directive" - ​​TAEERES funded through the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance, IPA 2014 and implemented by a consortium DAI Human Dynamics GmbH & Co KG with its team of local and international experts is planned to conduct 10 free energy audits in selected companies from the sector of small and medium enterprises established and registered in the Republic of Serbia

Public Call objective:

The aim of the public call is to conduct ten energy audits in small and medium enterprises in order to promote the benefits, since the implementation of energy audits provides information on potentials for improving energy efficiency, as well as the types of measures that ultimately save energy. The energy saved directly affects the increase of the company's profit and therefore energy efficiency measures, especially those involving low and medium investments are cost-effective and acceptable for implementation for the company conducting the energy audit at its location. In addition to the benefits related to energy savings and cost reduction, the proposed measures to improve energy efficiency in the energy audit are closely related to the reduction of emissions of harmful components into the environment, and in that sense the benefit is even more significant.

Eligibility to participate:

The eligibility to participate in this public call have small and medium enterprises, in majority private ownership, which were established in the Republic of Serbia in accordance with the current Law on Companies of the Republic of Serbia and which have operated continuously for at least the last five years and which were profitable in the previous fiscal year.

Implementation time frame:

The implementation of ten energy audits in selected companies will be conducted in the period 20.9 - 30.10. 2021.

How to submit an application:

The application is submitted in electronic format with an indication in the Subject of the e-mail: "Application for Public Call for the participation of small and medium enterprises in the implementation of ten free energy audits" to the email address:

The documentation related to this Public Invitation can be downloaded from this link

Deadline for submission of applications:

Date of publication in the daily newspaper "POLITIKA"  6th September 2021

The deadline for submitting applications is 20th September 2021 until 17.00

Public Call Promotion:

The promotion of the Public Call will be held in the period from 6th September  to 17th September 2021 at three workshops in three cities in Serbia in a hybrid form. The exact date of the workshops will be published on the Project website.

If the epidemiological situation worsens, the workshops will be held exclusively online, and information on this will be published on the Project website in a timely manner.

Decision on selection: 

The decision on the selection of small and medium enterprises in which ten free energy audits will be conducted will be published within 5 days from the day of the conclusion of the Public Call on the Project website.

Additional information regarding the Public Call:

For additional information regarding the Public Call, you can contact the e-mail address:

All questions and answers regarding this Public Call will be published on the Project website.

Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09