Technical Assistance to the Ministry in Charge for Energy and Relevant Public Entities for Implementation of New Energy Law, NEEAP and RES Directive

The Project Technical Assistance to the Ministry in Charge for Energy and Relevant Public Entities for Implementation of New Energy Law, NEEAP and RES Directive will be delivered through five result areas, with activities corresponding directly to the achievement of respective results.

Result area 1

Improved regulatory framework for EE and aligned with requirements of the Energy Community and EU Acquis - will be addressed through supporting the Ministry with the full legislative process for the Law on Efficient Usage of Energy (LEUE): gap assessment, background studies, drafting new/revised legal text for the LEUE, stakeholder consultations, public hearings, interministerial consultation, and the corresponding processing of comments in subsequent revisions of the LEUE.

Result area 2

Improved capacities of the Ministry and other stakeholders for the implementation of EE legislation and policy, through the development of guidelines/handbooks and other tools and study tours. The current gaps in lacking implementation capacity, including technical, with the Ministry and other institutions involved in implementation, could be addressed by improving information and skills on implementation through different means: information exchange with other countries (study tours), guidelines, handbooks, IT/analytical tools, and training. Result 2 will be achieved by providing the knowledge transfer and necessary skills through different means. The basis is a capacity needs assessment, on which the priorities will be set.

Result area 3

Increased capacities of the Ministry and other stakeholders to implement awareness-raising activities and increased awareness about benefits of EE in the energy consumption sectors and particularly in the sector of households and SMEs. Those activities are required according to the LEUE as well as the 3rd NEEAP. Consequently, Result 3 will be achieved by implementing both activities (awareness-raising campaign and audit program). The design campaign and audit programme will be based on an assessment of the sectors. Stakeholders will be involved in the development of the campaign and the programme, including the target group of both actions.

Result area 4

Alignment of the legal framework with requirements of the Energy Community and EU Acquis related to the implementation of the NVS – the project team will support in identification of biomass availability for biofuels and bioliquids production and measures to increase it, as well as to provide insight into the real potential of biofuels in Serbia. This will be done through studies that will support future policies and measures to increase the use of biofuels in the transport sector. The project team will also give support in the establishment of the legal framework for the implementation of NVS, including the technical basis and its integration into updated NREAP.

Result area 5

Improved administrative capacities of the Ministry and other stakeholders for implementation of the NVS in accordance with EU Acquis - addresses the subsequent step to Result area 4: implementation of the National Verification Scheme of the Sustainability Criteria for Biofuels and Bioliquids (NVS). At the moment, capacities for implementation are substantially lacking. Capacity needs are determined by the legal framework to be established for Result 4. The project team will support building capacity through transfer of knowledge and with other countries (EU and region), enhancement of skills through training, for both the administrative bodies that apply the NVS and for economic entities subject to the NVS.

Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09