Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) bodies registered with the
Ministry of Internal and Foreign Trade of the Republic of Serbia had the
opportunity to participate in…
OSCE Mission to
Serbia, hosted a meeting of judicial practitioners from
the region on co-operation in war crimes proceedings. The participants included
judges, prosecutors…
The final conference of the project “Reinforcement of animal health and welfare” was held in Belgrade and the results achieved during the three and half…
In the territory of the Republic of Serbia, a total of 163 children from the migrant/refugee population are currently included in the regular education system,…
Representatives of institutions from the
water sector services from Serbia visited the Republic of Croatia in the period
from November 21 to 25, 2022, for…
From 21 to 24 November 2022, the first training for beef
carcass classification was held in Serbia within the EU-funded Twinning Project
“Support the establishment…
Innovations, biotechnology
and digital development in Serbia were the topics of a media trip to Serbia,
during which a group of European journalists visited science…
Risk Reduction“, “Civil
Protection“ and “Recovery
after Natural and Other Disasters“ are now available on the platform of the
National Academy for Public Administration,…
Pupils of elementary schools “Sremski Front” and “Branko Radičević” and high school “Sava Šumanović” from Šid marked the International Day of Tolerance, November 16.The students…
As part of numerous promotional activities, the aim of which is to make the public better acquainted with consumer rights, Ministry of Internal and Foreign…
Keys to ten newly-built Regional Housing Programme (RHP) apartments were delivered to refugee families in Kraljevo, Serbia. To date, more than 6 700 RHP homes…
Through the Project for Household Waste Separation
"O-DVA-JA-MO", citizens of the municipality of Šid received 3,601
blue bins in which households will separate paper, plastic…
Dog population management is a complex and important issues, and everyone should be involved in solving it – individuals, institutions and the civil sector.The problem…
Dog Population Management is a complex and important issue and everyone should be involved in solving it – individuals, institution, and the civil sector –…
On Wednesday, November 9, a presentation of the Project for Household
Waste Separation "O-DVA-JA-MO" was held at the Ecological and
Recreational Center "Banjica", which is…