Cross-Border Cooperation (CBC) Serbia - Romania

The Interreg – IPA CBC Romania – Serbia Programme focuses on the development of the border area through improvement of the accessibility to the labor market and promoting employment, environment protection and tourism.
it is dedicated to strengthening the cross-border cooperation between regional and local public authorities, schools and educational institutions, chambers of commerce, NGOs, museums and cultural institutions.
On Serbian behalf it includes Severno Banatski, Srednje Banatski, Južno Banatski, Podunavski Braničevski and Borski district. In Romania Mehedinţi, Caraş-Severin, and Timiş are eligible geographical areas.
Total EU co-financing for the 2014-2020 Cross-border Co-operation between Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina amounts to EUR 74 million. By the end of 2019, 63 projects had been funded.
Some of them included: repairing of the navigation infrastructure on Bega Canal, creation of the Green Market in Bela Crkva Municipality and improving the existing marketplace from Oravita City for at least 1.750 small and local farmers, improving the health-care in the area of cancer prevention and treatment, development of the intervention infrastructure of firefighters and emergency services in case of flooding and earthquakes, construction of residential facility dedicated to the prevention of patients with dementia, improving border infrastructure of two cross-border areas, North Banat County on Serbian side, and Timis County on Romanian, etc.
Projects Database of Cross-Border Cooperation (CBC) Serbia - Romania