Cross-Border Cooperation (CBC) Serbia - Montenegro

This programme includes South-Western Serbia and the North and Central parts of Montenegro. It encompasses 10 municipalities in Serbia situated in three districts – Zlatiborski, Moravički and Raški, and 14 municipalities in Montenegro.

Its goal is to increase employability, especially of women in rural population, young and elderly people, improving waste management and wastewater treatment, promoting climate change and improve tourism capacities.

The overall EU co-financing to this Cross-border Cooperation programme for the period 2014-2020 is EUR 8.4 million. For this financial period, by the end of 2019, 13 projects had been funded.

Some of them included: protection of people and the environment through reduced risks of disasters in the cross-border area, using local renewable sources and increasing energy efficiency as measures for reducing climate changes, employability of unemployed women for caregivers/in-home caregivers, younger people for textile and tourism industries, rehabilitation of illegal waste on the river Lim, etc. 

Projects Database of Cross-Border Cooperation (CBC) Serbia- Montenegro 

Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09