Cross-Border Cooperation (CBC) Serbia - Bulgaria

Interreg Cross-border Co-operation Program Serbia-Bulgaria was adopted by the European Commission in July 2015 and its financing projects are related to the development of sustainable tourism, youth and environmental protection.

The program covers Serbian districts: Borski, Zajecar, Nisavski, Toplic, Pirot, Jablanicki and Pcinjski, and Bulgarian areas: Vidin, Montana, Vraca, Sofia, Pernik and Kyustendil.

Total EU co-financing for the 2014-2020 Cross-border Co-operation between Serbia and Bulgaria amounts to EUR 26 million.

By the end of 2019, 68 projects had been funded. Some of these are joint projects for the development of bone disease diagnostic centers for school children in Serbia and Bulgaria, the development of tourism and gastronomic offerings in cross-border areas, the removal of illegal dumps, the restoration of early Christian basilicas and medieval fortresses, a joint fire protection unit, etc. 

Projects Database of Cross-Border Cooperation (CBC) Serbia- Bulgaria

Open Calls

Publishing Date End Date Name and Description
June 15, 2023 August 15, 2023 EXPIRED

First Call: INTERREG Serbia-Bulgaria Programme

The application is with project ideas that contribute to the achievement of Specific objective 2 “To enhance regional competitiveness, incl. in the area of tourism” (with a focus on tourism).

The focus of Call 1 is based on the following fields of intervention:  

  • development of new integrated regional tourism products;
  • restoration, preservation, exposition of cultural heritage sites;
  • support for natural tourism sites;
  • set-up of natural sites for economic use;
  • investments in tourist support infrastructure and facilities;
  • strengthening the links between natural and cultural sites, including through enhancing the cycling network, road infrastructure, border crossing points infrastructure;
  • training of staff of tourism attractions;
  • improving CBC tourism marketing and branding practices

Brief information about the Call and the full package of documents for application is provided below, and also at:

The total budget of the call is 8 529 412 Euro.

The deadline for submission of concept notes in Jems is 15th of August 2023, 17:00 EEST, 16:00 CEST.


You can contact the Joint Secretariat of the Programme for additional information:

Main office in Sofia:

 tel. + 359 2 9405 337;


Branch office in Nis:

tel. + 381 18 513 224.


Call 1 in a nutshell:

  • Territorial focus of the Call – the entire cross-border region of the (INTERREG VI-A) IPA Bulgaria Serbia Programme (districts of Vidin, Montana, Vratsa, Sofia-district, Pernik and Kyustendil in Bulgaria, and districts Bor, Zaječar, Toplica, Nišava, Pirot, Jablanica and Pčinja in Serbia).
  • Objective of the Call – support project ideas that streamline the utilization of the tourism resources and improve cross-border tourism marketing and branding practices in alignment Specific objective 2 of the Programme’s Territorial Strategy, adopted by the Strategy Board on the 20th of December 2022.
  • Focus of the Call - broad thematic coverage (development of new integrated regional tourism products; restoration, preservation, exposition of cultural heritage sites; support for natural tourism sites; investments in tourist support infrastructure and facilities; strengthening the links between natural and cultural sites, including their connecting and mobility network; training of staff of tourism attractions; improving CBC tourism marketing and branding practices) – to promote the integrated territorial development.
  • Application process – takes place in the Joint electronic Monitoring System (Jems -, where applicants need to register and create a new project application. Applicants attach the Application form of the concept note, along with the budget forecast, a Letter of Commitment and Project Maturity Development Plan to the Jems application of their project idea. Full project proposals are submitted upon invitation.
  • Key features of the project idea/concept note – it is expected that multi-sectoral partnerships between stakeholders from Bulgaria and Serbia will bring in solutions to boost tourism potential of the border area on a larger territorial scope, where cross-border impact plays central role.
  • Project actions – compulsory combination of investment (works and/or supply) and soft type of actions (e.g. services); the thematic focus of the actions needs to be fully and logically aligned with the objective/s of the project idea and results indicator of the Call.
  • Project participants (applicant and partners) – local/regional bodies and authorities (incl. regional structures of central public authorities and statutory bodies); regional and sector development agencies; business support organization; NGOs; academic, research, training, education, social and cultural institutions. All project partners need to be non-profit, and registered and to operate in the programme area for at least 3 years prior to the application. The project partnership should consist of at least one partner from each side of the border region.
  • Project costs – when applying with a concept note it is not required to present a detailed budget of the project idea. What is needed during the project idea identification process is an overall budget estimation of expenditures per cost category and per project partner.
  • Financial aspects – min € 500 000 and max € 1 000 000 of a project idea. Grant intensity is 100%, however de minimis provisions apply to all project partners. The investment component (works and/or supply) of the project idea should be no less than 60% of the total eligible costs.
  • Project duration – minimum 12 months and maximum 24 months.
April 22, 2020 May 22, 2020 EXPIRED

TENDER PROCEDURE FOR Promotion of Niš Fortress with modern technologies UNDER IPA CBC PROJECT ”Increasing the touristic attractiveness of Sofia and Niš”

Programs: Cross-Border Cooperation (CBC) Serbia - Bulgaria

Sectors: Culture, Science and Innovation

For: Small and medium enterprise (SME)

The following announcement contains information about the tender procedure planned by the Citizens' Association "Institute for Progress and Collaboration of the Western Balkans Regions" under the “Increasing the touristic attractiveness of Sofia and Niš”project. Citizens' Association "Institute for Progress and Collaboration of the Western Balkans Regions" implements the project financed under IPA CBC Program Serbia – Bulgaria 2014-2020.

Promoting of the Nis Fortress is obligatory part of the project. The best way this to be done is with help of modern and state of the art technologies. In order the Mausoleum to be presented in the best way a 3D model will be created for the purpose of visualization, conservation and tourists advertising.

To apply for tender procedure, please download Tender dossier

Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09