Justice Programme

It promotes judicial cooperation in civil and criminal matters, helps train judges and other legal practitioners and facilitates effective access to justice for individuals and businesses throughout Europe. The programme also supports EU action to tackle drugs. The Justice programme has been put in place to ensure that Union law is fully and consistently applied.

The total budget allocated to the programme for the 2021-2027 period is EUR 300 million. 

What does it support? 

  • Judicial cooperation in civil and criminal matters:  to contribute to implementation of EU civil and criminal law instruments and to raise awareness of these legal instruments; they should achieve these results: increased capacity of national practitioners, authorities to address issues related to judicial cooperation, and to the application of the Union instruments; strengthened cooperation and exchange of information between competent national authorities in relation to judicial cooperation in civil matters, including taking into account the relevant case-law of the Court of Justice of the European Union; increased awareness of legal practitioners and policy makers.
  • Judicial training: for coherent application of EU law in the areas of civil law (including consumer law), criminal law and fundamental rights, to judicial ethics and the rule of law, by increasing knowledge of EU civil, criminal and fundamental rights instruments among legal practitioners; improving trust between legal practitioners in cross-border judicial cooperation; and cooperation of trainings for the different legal professions.
  • Effective access to justice in Europe, including rights of victims of crime and procedural rights in criminal proceedings. The portal E-Justice includes useful documents and databases which facilitate access to justice for citizens (e.g. the information on cross-border legal proceedings, rights of victims of crime or defendants in legal proceedings, family law, the Find a Lawyer and Find a Notary interfaces) and businesses (e.g. Interconnected insolvency registers search engines, Business registers, European Payment Order forms and land registers databases, the information on monetary claims and legal professions).
  • Drug policy initiatives (judicial cooperation and crime prevention aspects): drugs prevention policies, in particular on policy coordination, judicial cooperation and crime prevention, focusing also on the new psychoactive substances.

Who can apply? Research centres, Local and Regional authorities, Schools, Training centres, Administrations States, Universities, Non-profit organisations, International Organisation.

Terms of financing check here


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Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09