Manual on the Implementation of the Concept of Human Rights in Legislative Development presented

Manual on the Implementation of the Concept of Human Rights in Legislative Development presented

In the framework of PLAC III project activities, a Manual on the Implementation of the Concept of Human Rights in Legisative Development was drafted, as the first document of a kind not only in Serbia, but in the whole Western Balkans region. The publication was prepared…

Minister Joksimović with the French officials

Minister Joksimović with the French officials

Project: Rule of Law "Danas"

Sector: Rule of Law

France really appreciates the role of Serbia in the region as well as a country negotiating with the EU, and as its bilateral partner, the minister for European integrations Jadranka Joksimović following the meeting with the minister for European affairs in the French government…

Online debate European media and the Western Balkans

Online debate European media and the Western Balkans

The Pulse of Europe - Media Trips to EU project organises an online debate entitled "European media and the Western Balkans” that would gather journalists from European countries and Serbia discussing how the media in the EU report on the Western Balkans and its…

Online debate on Code of Practice on Disinformation

Online debate on Code of Practice on Disinformation

The EU-funded project Pulse of Europe - Media Trips to EU organises a debate on the fight against disinformation which will gather representatives of the European Union, journalistic associations and journalists working with fact-checking media. The debate “Code of practice on disinformation – a…

Last updated: March 4, 2025, 08:13