15Ongoing projects
249.94Million €Funds
Projects from sector
Rehabilitation of Bistrica Hydropower Plant
Reconstruction of the Campus of Technical Faculties in Belgrade
Development of the Biomass market in the Republic of Serbia
Promotion of Renewable Energies: Development of the Biomass market in the Republic of Serbia The Project Development of the…
Advanced System for Remote Meter Reading Phase 1A
This investment project supports the introduction of smart metres in the electricity distribution system in Serbia. It covers the first phase of their deployment in…
Support to the Energy Efficiency Administration
A four-year program for supporting the operation of the Energy Efficiency Administration under the Ministry of Mining and Energy is supported with 5 million euro…
The Trans-Balkan Electricity Corridor
Serbia and the other Western Balkan partners are connecting and building the 321 km long Trans-Balkan Electricity Corridor, for which the Western Balkans Investment Framework…
EU and EBRD for Energy efficiency in Belgrade
According to the Buildings Performance Institute Europe (2019), 97% of Europe’s existing building stock is inefficient. Approximately 36% CO2 emissions and 40% of energy consumption…
EU and EBRD for Energy efficiency in Serbia
This Action intends to address some of identified key climate and environmental challenges caused by a poor condition of public buildings in Serbia and in…
Medical Military Academy reconstruction
Serbia’s largest tertiary care facility is getting a complete overhaul to meet current energy efficiency, health and safety standards. The planned renovation – supported by…
Nearly zero energy buildings in Serbia
EU for Greeen Agenda in Serbia
The project will also contribute to efforts to decarbonise and meet the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement, reduce environmental pollution - air, land and…
Kostolac Wind Farm construction
This project will install a 66 MW wind farm in Kostolac, in eastern Serbia, on the site of depleted open-cast mines. The plant is expected…
Reconstruction of Vlasina Hydropower Plant
Reconstruction of Vlasina Hydropower Plant project will be funded with WBIF EU grant €16.1 M and EBRD loan (est.) €61.6 M. Expected completion is…
EU PPF Programme
The EU PPF is focused on preparation of technical and tender documentation for infrastructure projects related to energy, environment and transport sectors, as well as…
SCADA Platform for Gas Distribution System Operator
The Project “SCADA Platform for DSO” focus on supporting to Gas Distribution System Operator (DSO) in the procurement of equipment, software, and design of the…