EU and EBRD for Energy efficiency in Serbia

This Action intends to address some of identified key climate and environmental challenges caused by a poor condition of public buildings in Serbia and in turn promote compliance with the EU goals and policies. The Action will target a deep renovation of energy intensive public buildings contributing to Serbian Government’s effort in scaling up EE renovations of buildings. It is designed to include both investment support and technical assistance for project preparation and/or policy development. The goal of the Action is to achieve sustainable energy savings of at least 50% (on average) and carbon emission reductions of at least 40% through financing energy efficiency measures in selected public buildings in Serbia. It will bring thermal comfort in heating season and improve overall indoor comfort, working conditions and building sustainability in the selected buildings. With additional 4.5 million euro of grant funds from the EU and 4 million euro loan from EBRD, Serbia will be able to retrofit minimum of 5 000 m2 by 2027.

The focus of the project is on worst performing buildings from the education and health sectors, such as schools, kindergartens, hospitals... Technical assistance is also provided to support implementation of the investments and improvement of administrative capacities to expand renovation wave in Serbia.

Renovation wave

On 10 October 2020, the European Commission adopted “An Economic and Investment Plan for the Western Balkans”, which identified flagship initiatives related to clean energy and the transition from coal. An overall budget of EUR 9 billion during 2021-2027 is proposed for the Plan’s implementation, of which a fair share is expected to finance buildings renovation and decarbonisation of heating and cooling sectors.

Flagship 6 – The Renovation Wave

“The Commission proposes to expand the “EU renovation wave” to the Western Balkans. The building sector accounts for over 40% of total energy consumption in the Western Balkans. Renovating public and private buildings to meet minimal energy performance standards can make a very significant contribution to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, improve the living standards of citizens, as well as their health. A building renovation wave implemented with the help of the Energy Community will assist the Western Balkans in decarbonisation of public and private building stock, with a strong emphasis on digitalisation and taking into account energy poverty. The EU together with international financing institutions, will support the efforts of the Western Balkans partners to triple the current renovation rate and energy savings in existing buildings and achieving nearly-zero energy and emission standard in new buildings.”

Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09