Public money for public interest

Project goals

The Project implies that the Consortium will, together with the chosen representatives of civil society, public officials and other relevant institutions and individuals, work on creating conditions for free and various media to exist and act freely. Such media will be acting in the public interest under the assumption that the freedom of expression is one of the essential foundations of healthy democracy, which can only be exercised in a free and healthy media environment. Therefore, the project’s specific objective is to empower civil society to influence the creation, implementation and evaluation of media policies. This project is primarily an initiative that will enable a higher degree of civil society participation in media policies decision making, thus contributing to the legitimacy of the decisions. Besides, there has been planned a systemic approach to influencing the legal frame and the advance of media practice in the public domain, while proposing the public support for the suggested changes at the same time.

Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09