EU for Human Resources Management (HRM) in LSG – phase 3

EU for HRM in LSG – phase 3 Programme is financed by the European Union in the scope of IPA 2024 national allocation, implying that the EU Delegation in Serbia entails principal management powers. The key competent line institution at the national level is the Ministry for Public Administration and Local Self-government (MPALSG) and Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities (SCTM) has the role of implementing partner and direct responsibility for the implementation of planned Programme activities. The Programme will provide direct support to LSGs for the improvement of system and procedures for the application of modern principles of HRM. Implementation of this Programme will create conditions for modernized public administration at all levels of government through developed and improved system for HRM within local administration in accordance with system of competencies and PAR Strategy, and increased capacities of LSGs for professional development based on competencies.

Planned activities are aimed at the achievement of the following objectives:

Objective 1 - System for HRM within local administration developed and improved in accordance with system of competencies and PAR Strategy

The first group of activities within this Objective will be focused on strengthening of capacities of LSGs employees for the implementation of competency-based HRM function by provision of advisory assistance and on-demand assistance to LSGs through direct support in the field of HRM. Advisory support will be particularly important for the LSGs that will not be a part of the municipal support packages (MSPs) within the Programme to tackle specific challenges, especially regarding the introduction of the new competency legal framework for HRM. On-demand technical assistance will be particularly important for LSGs that will not be covered by MSPs, as they will be able to apply for this short-term technical assistance in order to improve some aspect of HR.

Additional support to all LSGs will be provided through organization of trainings for the capacity development based on the new competence framework and other relevant questions related to HRM in LSGs. Regional trainings will also provide LSGs with answers to practical issues that will arise from the implementation of the new legal framework.

This objective envisages activities aimed at exchanging information, experiences and best practices through SCTM HRM Network, as well as provision of support to competency-based interviewers through video tutorials and peer-to-peer exchange.

A total of 80 LSGs will be selected for implementation of MSPs to enhance the functions of modern HRM based on competencies, while 2 LSGs will be selected to pilot introduction of quality standards in HRM through implementation of standard job descriptions for workplaces where human resources management tasks are performed, as well as models of the organization of these tasks in LSGs.

Objective 2 - Increased capacities of LSGs for professional development based on competencies

The activities under this Objective will be directed towards support to professional training system development within LSGs and raising capacities of HRM units and employees for performing all phases of professional development cycle provided through continuous advisory assistance and on-demand technical assistance.

Equally, in line with the PAR Strategy, 6 regional trainings for LSGs on establishing of life-long professional development will be conducted.

Besides the provision of advisory assistance and on-demand assistance, e-learning programme on professional development system in LSGs will be improved and implemented. The e-learning programme is intended for the LSG’s HRM employees and will include topics such as: legal framework for professional development, nomenclature and mandatory elements of professional development programs, competences framework, training needs assessment, planning cycle of professional development, preparation, development and adoption of a Special Professional Development Programme, implementation and keeping records of professional development programs, procedures for engagement of accredited trainers/training providers, evaluation of the effects of the professional development programmes, etc.

After the implementation of HRM MSPs in 80 LSGs, 50 LSGs will be selected for additional support through new packages, in order to improve the LSG employees’ competencies to perform the main LSG’s functions, which will be the next level of HRM development, concerning the enhancement of overall LSG capacities.

Equally, two LSG units will be selected through an open call. For establishment of strategic and operational planning of human resources based on good European practice and with reference to good practice in Council of Europe (CoE) member States as well as CoE Standards.

Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09