Training session held for employees of the City of Belgrade Administration

On Tuesday, 18 August 2020, team of experts of the project Support to the Commission for State Aid Control held a training session on the rules of state aid for employees of the City of Belgrade Administration.

Project team leader Radmila Mihić presented the overview of project activities and its goals, as well as the main challenges related to the field of state aid during the accession process to the European Union.

The key legal expert of the project Šefika Kurtagić introduced the participants with the rules for granting state aid that are most often used in practice – those in the field of regional development, for small and medium enterprises and environmental protection.

Project expert Svetlana Šćepanović Markočević presented the modernised state aid rules that are in force in the European Union – a package of measures adopted by the Union in 2012 to reform the area. She also presented a case of determining the existence of state aid through the application of four criteria.

The training session was held in compliance with preventive measures to prevent the spread of Covid-19 disease and with limited number of participants. The activity is part of the project component which envisages that basic training sessions on state aid rules are organised in all local self-government units in Serbia.

Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09