A step closer to education for all: The first training module for inclusive education successfully completed

As a part of the "Enhanced Equal Access to and Completion of Pre-University Education for the Children in Need of Additional Support in Education ("We Learn Together") project, an online training, "Teachers as carriers of quality education for all children" is being implemented. The aim of the training is to improve the competencies of teachers for inclusive education and the implementation of modern principles of inclusive pedagogy.

So far, 4,037 employees from 200 schools participating in the project, from the whole Republic of Serbia, have been included in this training program, while 3,414 participants have successfully completed the training. Thereby the education system is further strengthened with the aim to provide every child with quality inclusive education based on modern principles and equal opportunities.

In the spirit of the " We Learn Together" project and the commitment to the development, well-being and educational and social inclusion of every child, trainings will continue to thoroughly build the skills of teachers for inclusive education. All participants who completed this first module in the following period will continue to improve professionally in the field of inclusive education through two more training modules.

Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09