Inclusive education for every child


Despite evident progress made in the implementation of inclusive education and a high overall rate of participation in education, many children are still at risk of being excluded. Children with disabilities, children of Roma nationality, as well as those from poor households and rural areas are less likely to benefit from inclusion in mainstream quality education than other children in Serbia. Although the number of children with disabilities in special schools decreased, and the number of children educated based on individual education plans in mainstream schools has increased during the last decade, this kind of support has not reached all children in need: only 2% of children are educated based on an IEP, while it is estimated that 12% of children are likely to need additional support (MoESTD, 2020). With continued partial school closures, application of hybrid models with partial online and partial face to face learning during the winter semester of 2020/2021, the risk for further negative impacts for children with disabilities and children from other vulnerable groups will continue, resulting in learning loss and potentially lead to increased dropouts.


The Enhanced Equal Access to and Completion of Pre-University Education for Children in Need of Additional Support in Education aims to enhance equal access to and quality of pre-university education for children from disadvantaged groups. The intervention focuses on increasing the number of children with disabilities enrolled in the mainstream education system and subsequently decreasing the number of children with disabilities educated in special education settings. This will be achieved by improving the quality of learning and increasing resources and additional support to children and teachers in mainstream schools by building an enabling, stimulating, and supportive learning environment. The Interventions, in both mainstream and special schools, will be directed towards building capacities of teachers and expert associates. The local communities and intersectoral committees will also provide well-designed and appropriate additional support tailor-made for every child in need of additional support. It is expected that the project will directly impact further development and strengthening of the institutional, legal and policy framework for implementation, monitoring and coordination of inclusive education in Serbia, which will bring benefits for all educational institutions and children in pre-university education. The action will take a multi-faceted approach to accelerate progress in the inclusive education agenda with the overarching goal of ensuring equal access to education for all children, including children with disabilities. At the same time, around 10% of schools and more than 5,000 professionals will benefit from project activities to strengthen capacities and provision of new support services, which will directly impact the education of many children, particularly those in need of additional education support. 

Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09