The 7th session of the IPARD II Monitoring Committee was held

The 7th session of the IPARD II Monitoring Committee was held on October 30th 2020 in Belgrade through the online conference call and physical presence of the maximum permitted number of the IPARD II Monitoring Committee members in the meeting room.

Support to the organization of the session was provided by the project: “Capacity Building for the alignment with the acquis in the area of agriculture, rural development, food safety, veterinary and phytosanitary policy”, financed by the European Union. The session was chaired by the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management Branislav Nedimovic.

During the session of the IPARD II Monitoring Committee, it was presented an overview of the results achieved in the implementation of IPARD subsides and a plan of activities for the next period. The members adopted the Proposal of the Fourth Modification of the IPARD II Programme, as well  as the Amendments to the Action Plan for Technical Assistance for 2020 and the Action Plan for Technical Assistance for 2021. In addition, the results of the evaluation in regard implementation of the IPARD II Programme so far, as well as the findings of the conducted system audit in 2020, were presented at the session.

Besides the members of the IPARD II Monitoring Committee, the Seventh session of the IPARD II Monitoring Committee was attended by representatives of the Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development, the European Commission (DG AGRI), the Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Serbia, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of European Integration, the Governmental Audit Office of EU Funds and others.

Some of the functions performed by the IPARD II Monitoring Committee are the examination of the IPARD II Programme achieved results, as well as meeting objectives defined for entrusted measures and progress in the absorption of financial resources.

Last updated: March 4, 2025, 08:13