Capacity building for the alignment with the acquis in the area of agriculture, rural development, food safety, veterinary and phytosanitary policy

Project importance

This project is important because it will facilitate the Serbian accession to EU and, through a new supporting system, will boost the agriculture and rural development sectors with more possibilities for farmers and other stakeholders to increase their income through direct aids and funding of investments.

Furthermore, the project will improve the food safety, veterinary and phytosanitary sectors in the alignment with EU requirements and international standards.

Now days, consumers in their shopping activities, continue to pay attention to the price of the products but they are more and more also paying attention to some other criteria, as quality, nutritional values, manufacturing type and place production.

The behavior of consumers is further stressed by the fear of spread diseases and epidemic situations. For these reasons, the “food safety” and “food quality” is becoming essential for Serbian food producers that want to have access, with higher prices, to local and global markets. 

Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09