How to get a foreign diploma recognised, and how to get accredited for organizing adult education activities?

For all individuals who have obtained a diploma for one or more levels of education abroad and want their diplomas to be recognized in Serbia, there is the ENIC/NARIC centre within the Qualifications Agency that deals with the recognition of foreign school documents. Recognition of a foreign diploma is a procedure by which a qualification acquired abroad is equated with a certain qualification in Serbia, and in that way the right to continue education or to be employed in Serbia is acquired.

In order to facilitate and explain this procedure, a publication was published on the website of the Qualifications Agency detailing the procedure, providing the necessary documentation and links to all forms, as well as examples of payment slips needed to properly conduct the diploma recognition procedure.

Within the Qualifications Agency, there is also a Centre for Accreditation of Publicly Recognized Organizers of AdultEducation Activities (JPOA) whose task is to ensure the quality of work in this area. The Centre accredits all adult education organizations, except primary and secondary schools. In order to better understand the acquiring the status of a publicly recognized organization for adult education, the Qualifications Agency prepared a publication explaining how to initiate the accreditation procedure, what that status brings to the organization, as well as links to forms and examples of necessary payment slips.

The development of publications was supported by the European Union through the project "EU Support for Education Reform in Serbia - Redis 2030".

Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09