The members of the Working Group for the development of the Action Plan (from 2024 to 2026) for the implementation of the Education Strategy until 2030 held three working meetings during August and September, during which they worked intensively on the development of this document. The action plan, as an integral part of the Strategy, operationalizes its general and special goals and defines the time frame for the implementation of specific measures and activities. Therefore, the achievement of the Strategy's goals largely depends on how well the Action Plan is created and how successfully the measures and activities are implemented.

During the first meeting, representatives of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, the Institute for Education Quality and Evaluation, the Institute for Improvement of Education and the Agency for Qualifications worked on harmonizing the activities of the current and new plans, as well as on the financial aspect.

The second meeting was devoted to the work of sectoral subgroups on harmonizing activities and indicators for certain cross-sectoral topics, along with the discussion on the activities proposed for financing from donor funds.

During the last meeting, the members of the Working Group for the development of the Action Plan agreed and confirmed each individual activity listed in the plan and made an assessment of the financial resources necessary for their successful implementation.

In the following period, the members of the Working Group will complete the Action Plan for the period 2024-2026, whose measures and activities should improve the functioning of the responsible institutions and enable monitoring of the achieved results. Experts from the Redis 2030 project also provided significant support in the preparation of this document, which once again confirmed the EU's commitment to education reform in Serbia.

Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09