The reform of preschool education also implies improvement of legal framework for preschool education and development of professional competencies of preschool teachers and professional associates…
In May, PAR Visibility & Communication Project team’s efforts were focused on the implementation of the first month of an intensive PAR communication campaign. The…
In May, in accordance with the ongoing COVID-19 related situation, the PAR Visibility & Communication project experts started conducting trainings aimed at improving participants’ communication…
Following the completion of
comprehensive assessment of the disciplinary responsibility of judges’
framework the Project experts finalized the analysis "Disciplinary
Responsibility of Judges in Serbia…
“Analysis of the organization, functioning and needs of the High
Judicial Council and its Administrative Office“ was prepared. It deals in
particular with the analysis…
The Proposal of the Draft Mid-term Strategy for Human Resources in the
Judiciary (the Strategy) and accompanying Action Plan has been developed by the
The fight against corruption is an essential precondition for accession into the European Union, of which Serbia is a candidate country. The Government of Serbia…
An E-learning platform has been developed for you with
the support of the European Union Delegation in the Republic of Serbia, the
Ministry of European…
Doctor, nurses, administrative staff—some 200 medical professionals will be given employment as part of European Union’s assistance in fighting coronavirus in Serbia.
Head of the…
The project Support to the Commission for State Aid Control organised basic training sessions on the state aid rules in 10 cities and municipalities in…
Salen Džidić lives with his wife and three children in Novi Pazar, southwest Serbia in his father's improper house. They are engaged in collecting, drying…