Working groups within EAS3 project

On September 24, 2019, the first meeting of the Working Group for the development of the Specific Implementation Plan for the INSPIRE Directive (DSIP) within the project was held at the Republic Geodetic Authority.

In order to implement the activities of the EAS3 Project, 9 working groups have been formed, one of which is for the preparation of a DSIP document for the INSPIRE Directive. Members of the Working Group, consisting of representatives of key institutions responsible for establishing and implementing the national geospatial data infrastructure, attended the first of five planned meetings, together with project team leader Slokar Marko and DSIP-INSPIRE Working Group leader Jitko Faugnerov, as well as technical experts Dragutin Protic and Kilibarda Milan and legal experts Pihler Dušan and Đorđević Sreten.

The introductory part presents the expected results of the project, the purpose and content of the DSIP document and the dynamics of its development. Participants were introduced to the current status of implementation of the INSPIRE Directive, obligations arising from the NSDI Act, as well as challenges in the implementation of the INSPIRE Directive in the EU member state, i.e. the Czech Information Agency for Habitats. Technical experts presented the preliminary results of the institutional analysis based on the meetings held at the Republic Geodetic Authority, the Ministry of Environmental Protection and the Environmental Protection Agency. Part of the meeting was conceived as a workshop to provide information from the present representatives of the competent institutions on their institutional capacity in relation to the implementation of the INSPIRE directive.

The next meeting of the Working Group is planned for the first half of December, when the results of the expert institutional analysis will be presented and the gaps in the legal, institutional and financial sense will be determined, on the basis of which proposals for overcoming them would be defined.

Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09