Hook Up

Plastic ... Fantastic?

Can you last a week without plastic? This challenge definitely sounds simpler than it is, because in 2019, plastic is literally all around us. Milena and Marta decided to share their week without plastic on social networks. Send and join @Uvrnuti_sotovi - because small changes make a big difference!

Behind the name Uvrniti Šotovi are two best friends: Milena and Marta. These brave Belgraders are here to help and break every taboo topic! Always smiling, they paint the Internet sky with their cheerfulness and specific humor, and this duo says that there is room for everyone on their YouTube channel: for teenagers, but also for those who are much older. They are ready to fix everyone's day and solve the problems that women and men face every day. Love tricks are their main topic, but they are there to solve almost every problem… Whether it's school, love or beauty, with Marta and Milena, everything is a bit twisted, but always honest and open!

Let the city breathe

How do birds and bees disappear? So that the greenery disappears first - when there is less and less, especially in urban areas. That is why @lutajuciputnik decided to plant a plant every day during the selected week and show that it is quite possible to easily change the picture of things. Accept this challenge and do something good for your environment!

Boris Radošević, on the Internet - Lutajući Putnik, is a well-known travel blogger and Master of Tourism. Boris is a lover of travel and loves to discover the world around him. His goal is to meet different countries and people with a backpack on his back, as well as to share his experiences with others through his website and Instagram profile. Boris loves to run - he has 30 half marathons behind him, and he also loves hiking. His travels are not exclusive and expensive, but only well organized. Through photographs and his travel stories, he conveys a strong message to people: that they should be spontaneous and never put comfort ahead of adventure.


If you are tired of stories about how everyone just criticizes and there is no one when something needs to be done, it's time to join this challenge! Slaven calls you to reverse the story together and separate the useful from the waste. Send everything to the @slavendoslo profile, join and accept the challenge!

Slaven is young Serbian actor, born in Sombor, came. He started his acting career in Novi Sad at the Youth Theater. He graduated from the Academy of Arts in Belgrade, in the class of actress Mirjana Karanović. Shortly after leaving the Academy, Doslo got several roles that were immediately noticed. The films and series that stand out are: Military Academy, World Champions, Emergency Center, Humidity, Panama, Next to Me, It Looks Like We Are Alone. The young actor has already won several important awards and it can already be said that he has a rich theater, television and film career.

Recycling can be art

What is waste for one person is material for a unique sculpture for another. Ivan Kocic invites you to look around and give new life to discarded things. Follow every step of creating a work of art and try to make something of your own with @ivankocic_art

Ivan Kocic is a painter who deals with 3D-modeling and construction of his own assemblages - three-dimensional mosaics of plastic figurines. He completed his studies in wall painting at the Faculty of Applied Arts in Belgrade, as a student of the generation in the class of Miroslav Lazović. In his work, Ivan uses pieces of plastic in vivid and bright colors, which he then fits into the assembly that most often embodies a female character. He often collects the toys he uses in his work with children, which Ivan teaches recycling along the way, presenting it as a fun, important and creative task.

Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09