
Reduce, use multiple times, recycle

When it comes to environmental protection, everyone first thinks about recycling - mainly because it doesn't take too much effort to separate garbage into paper, plastic, glass, and then organic or electrical waste. Smart and economical use of resources such as water and electricity - is even simpler, and brings tangible savings. In the end, we can all easily take care not to throw, what we don't have to, in the garbage after the first use. Many objects from everyday life can be used again for the same or different purposes, as well as to donate, donate or find a new purpose for them. By recycling and reducing or reusing resources, together we can do a lot for our environment.

Learn to say NO

What we all need to learn to say (with a smile, of course) is: "No, thank you - I don't need a bag." Every time we go to the store, the market or the bookstore, the sellers fill us with unnecessary plastic bags. Statistics say that one plastic bag is used for no longer than 12 minutes on average, and it takes them 500 or more years to decompose in a landfill. Any bag we don’t need and don’t take - is a smaller bag that will end up in the trash, waiting to break down or, better yet, be recycled. Kindly thank your seller, so simply place the purchased groceries and products in your bag, backpack or bag.

Uses public transportation

Cars are at the very top of the list of air and environmental pollutants. However, most still choose the comfort of a car, even in places where public transport covers all parts of the city and functions at a satisfactory level. In this way, we not only pollute the air that we and our children breathe, but also increase congestion and waste valuable time and money on fuel and looking for free parking spaces. The bus is still the cheapest, easiest and most environmentally friendly type of transportation, which, with the investments of citizens through the purchase of tickets, could become an ever better and ever greener option.

Eat locally and seasonally

Food that is grown locally and consumed locally, is proven to be the best for us and the environment. When we choose local products, we directly reduce the amount and consumption of energy, fuel and packaging materials needed to import food from distant parts of the world. In this way, not only do we have the opportunity to eat better quality and tastier products, but at the same time we help to reduce the pollution that occurs during transport. For the same reasons, it is good to consume seasonal fruits and vegetables - because that way we reduce the emission of exhaust gases, as well as the amount of chemicals that are used to keep imported products fresh enough long enough.

Don't waste food

Every year, a huge amount of food ends up in the garbage, and then in landfills where it is converted into methane, which pollutes the environment and accelerates the process of global warming. Food production and transportation are processes that require a lot of resources. That is why we should not buy food that we will not eat and that we will end up throwing in the garbage can, because energy is wasted unnecessarily in that food: water, electricity, fuel… Meal plan and list of foods we need during the week, and which is done before shopping, can be very helpful if we want to waste less of our food - and our money. In addition, food that we do not eat can be frozen and stored for another meal. By smart shopping and smart food consumption, we not only save, but also help reduce unnecessary organic waste.

Walk, pedal, roll

The use of vehicles that use gasoline, primarily cars, continues to be one of the main polluters of the air and the environment. Instead of sitting in our cars every time we need to go somewhere, we can also explore alternative solutions, vehicles that are much more economical and do not pollute the environment. Instead of cars, let's turn to bicycles, rollerblades, scooters or even our own feet. Especially when we need to cover shorter distances, we can avoid driving a car and replace it with a vehicle that does not emit harmful exhaust gases and dangerous substances. In this way, we protect not only the environment but also ourselves - because through caring for the environment and regular recreation, we take care of our physical health at the same time.

Replace plastic

Used plastic cups, straws, cutlery and dishes in fast food restaurants - you will most often see them scattered in urban areas, but also in nature. Huge quantities of this plastic end up unrecycled in landfills and in our rivers and forests. The solution is simple: instead of plastic cups, let's use glass or metal ones. We can replace plastic straws with those made of stainless steel or bamboo, and we can replace aluminum and plastic food containers with one container that we would always wash and reuse. At work, we can always use our own cup or small thermos for coffee or tea, as well as personal cutlery and crockery, instead of using unnecessary plastic packaging that always ends up in the trash as excess.

Turn off the boiler, save water

By using water wisely in the house, we not only contribute to our budget, but also help reduce the energy consumption needed to purify the water and bring it to the consumer. We can always easily stop the jet when we don't need it, for example: while brushing our teeth or taking a shower or soaping dishes. The same goes for electronic devices: when we are not using them, it is good to unplug them. For example, a water heater is one of the home appliances that consumes a lot and does not have to be constantly on. We can put computers and other modern devices in ‘sleep’ or ‘standby mode’, which also save electricity - when not in use. For those who have the ability, it is a good idea to replace old home appliances with newer ones that carry the Energy Star label and use significantly less electricity, so they are better for both the environment and our budget.

Change fashion trends

The huge amount of clothes that is produced every year, unfortunately - mostly ends up in the landfill. The production process involves a huge consumption of electricity, water, but also dangerous chemicals and artificial dyes and textiles that are difficult to degrade and harmful to the environment. Every season, fashion brands flood the market with new models of clothes that do not cost much and are easy to buy - and throw away. Buying a few simple models that we can easily combine and wear for years can save us a lot of time and money, as well as quality second hand clothes or clothes made from recycled materials. In this way, we directly contribute to slowing down the mass and harmful production of unnecessary clothing. We can always give worn and whole clothes to friends, family members or those who need them the most, and they can't afford them.

Clean smart

The mass-produced cleaners we use in our homes may kill bacteria and remove impurities, but they are extremely harmful to our environment. Many contain toxic substances, acids and harmful chemicals such as phosphorus, nitrogen and ammonia, which further pollute water and soil and the entire ecosystem through wastewater. We can easily replace chemical products with natural cleaning agents, such as baking soda, citric acid, salt and white vinegar. With just these three ingredients, we can perfectly clean our kitchens and bathrooms - get rid of limescale, stains and rust, save money and help preserve our environment.

Nurture yourself naturally

Many cosmetics and hygiene products contain harmful substances that are bad for our health and the environment. Almost all make-up and most creams, lotions, shampoos and toothpastes contain substances that are difficult to degrade and pollute the environment. Cosmetics, make-up and hygiene products contain parabens, petroleum products, mercury, sulfates, formaldehyde, petrolatum, as well as artificial colors and fragrances. A good alternative is natural cosmetics, which are more and more, and whoever likes can have fun with recipes and make their own shampoo, soap, face mask, peeling, cream, label, blush, lipstick, perfume and many other preparations at home. All these preparations for hygiene, care and beautification can be easily made from various essential oils, plants, fruits and other natural ingredients.

Don't break it, plant it

Everyone can contribute to the preservation of the environment at the local level - if they start planting in their environment! If we live in an apartment, we can always plant a tree in front of the building or in a nearby park, and if we are in a house, we can turn our yard into a mini-oasis. It is very important to preserve greenery and plant plants where there are none (or where there are few of them) because, in addition to directly helping to reduce air pollution, plants are also important for the preservation of entire ecosystems and animal communities. Bees, for example, can only live in a safe environment and a healthy and clean environment. As the pollution of the environment increases from year to year, and the greenery cuts, the bees have reached the brink of extinction. Greenery is necessary for the survival of bees, which are necessary for pollination and the survival of as much as a third of the food we use - so let's not forget to plant!

Fix and borrow

When we want to change, it is best to start from ourselves. When old furniture is damaged or we get bored, we can simply repair it, change it or find another purpose in the house. By smartly decorating your home, we not only save our money, but also reduce excess waste and the consumption of resources such as wood, water, electricity and fuel that are needed for production. When buying, it is good to take into account the quality, purpose and longevity of your furniture, rather than following trends. We can find many interesting items in antique shops and second-hand shops. In addition, we can borrow home appliances for short-term use, instead of buying them. By repairing, remodeling and borrowing furniture items, we protect our environment.

Save paper, don't take a flyer

Paper production is an industrial process involving tree felling and direct air, water and soil pollution. Since paper is made from trees that have long fibers, deforestation (specifically cedar, spruce and birch forests) will inevitably continue in the future. Dangerous and harmful substances such as sulfur, lime, chlorine and hydrogen peroxide, which pollute, are used for the factory production of paper. Research has shown that people actually read only 2% of the total number of distributed flyers. To stop the unnecessary production of tons of paper on an annual basis, what we can all do is start rejecting printed advertisements, flyers, advertising catalogs, magazines and other unnecessary printing that we certainly do not read and that irritate us. At work, we can try to use as little printing paper as possible.

Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09