Continuation of work and advocacy by all key institutions for the improvement of the water sector and continuous support to public utility companies in their operations are some of the key prerequisites for continuing the reform of the water services sector in the Republic of Serbia.

The application of measures proposed based on the assessment of this sector, which should be implemented at the local and central levels, will play an important role in further improvement of the quality of water services. In addition to measures related to improvement the operations of public utility companies, it is necessary to establish a regulatory body in the water sector and adopt a national tariff methodology to provide citizens and the economy with quality services, with transparently calculated prices based on actual service costs which ensures the sustainability of public (utility) companies.

During the two-day workshop held on February 28 and 29, more than 50 representatives of public utility companies, republican and provincial institutions, technical and other associations, as well as international organizations, discussed proposed measures to improve the water utility sector, as well as future activities and the role of individual institutions in continuing the reform process. 

During the first day of the workshop, project results and sector performance assessments were presented, while on the second day, proposed measures and roadmaps for the further course of the reform were discussed.

On that occasion, participants were also introduced to the publication "Water Forum 2023 - Special Edition" prepared by the Association for Water Technology and Sanitary Engineering, which provides a comprehensive overview of project results and recommendations for improving water services, as well as the legislative framework in this area. The project's contribution to this publication is a continuation of the excellent collaboration between the project team and the Association during the implementation of project activities. More information is available on the Association's website:

The project " EU Support to Reforms in Water Sector Services" is funded by the European Union and implemented by the Department for Contracting and Financing of EU Funded Programmes of the Ministry of Finance. The end-user of the project is the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Water Management - Republic Water Directorate.Project activities are implemented by EPTISA Servicios de Ingenieria S.L. in consortium with Eptisa Southeast Europe d.o.o.

After two years of successful implementation, the project concludes in March 2024 as a result of successful cooperation between the Government of the Republic of Serbia, the European Union, and other partners aimed at improving environmental standards in Serbia and the quality of life of its citizens. It is expected that the project results and the upcoming reform in this area will create conditions for full alignment of the legal framework of the Republic of Serbia with the European Union, which is an important step towards full membership in the Union.

Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09