The fourth meeting of working groups

The fourth meeting of working groups within the project "EU support for reforms in the water sector" was held on February 28, 2023 in the premises of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia.

The meeting was opened by Mr. Saša Kulić, representative of the Republic Water Directorate, welcoming the participants and presenting the topics of the meeting.

In the first part of the working group meeting, the Report on water services regulatory practices in EU Member States and proposed regulatory system for Republic of Serbia was presented, while in the second part of the meeting, the participants heard more about study on current tariff methodologies and proposed water tariff methodology in Serbia and training needs assessment. During each part of the meeting, the participants discussed with the project experts the presented data and possible further steps.

The project "EU Support to Reforms in the Water Sector" is funded by the EU and managed by the Ministry of Finance, the Department for Contracting and Financing of EU Funded Programmes. The beneficiary of the project is the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management - Republic Water Directorate. The project is implemented by EPTISA Servicios de Ingenieria S.L. Spain in the consortium with EPTISA Southeast Europe d.o.o. Serbia. 

Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09