Selected best solutions for strengthening disaster resilience: Results of the Civil Society Organizations Public Call

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) selected the civil society organizations to receive European Union financial grant support for implementing solutions for strengthening resilience and disaster risk reduction and post-disaster recovery in the territory of the Republic of Serbia.

These solutions were selected through a public call opened in the period 19 November – 5 December 2023, and which received a total of 35 civil society organizations’ project proposals.

After the evaluation and ranking of received applications, UNDP selected the following proposals of civil society organizations which will in the period January – May 2024, with financial support of the European Union, have the opportunity to realize their ideas: 

  1. ‘Towards a flood- and drought-resistant Serbia’ by the applicant Center for Ecology and Sustainable Development (CEKOR),
  2. Beware 3! – in Romani ‘Araktut 3’’ by the applicant NIŠ YUROM Center, and
  3. ‘Together against disasters - civil protection and people with disabilities’ by the applicant Caritas Serbia in partnership with the City of Administration of Cacak.

Selected solutions shall contribute to mitigating the impact of disasters on endangered and marginalized groups of population, better preparedness and reduction of local communities vulnerabilities, sustainability of disaster response mechanisms, inclusion and mobilization of communities and citizens in the national disaster risk reduction system and post-disaster recovery, raising social and institutional awareness through dialogue and partnership of public and civic sector and civil society networks, as well as application of innovative risk reduction practices and their replication.

We thank all the civil society organizations who have vested their time and effort in project preparation for this Call and once more emphasize that in case of additional funding from savings from other project activities, UNDP reserves the right to award additional grants from the list of project proposals. Final ranking of the project proposals is available HERE.

This public call for civil society organizations is realized within the project ‘EU for Serbia Resilient to Disaster’, funded by the European Union and implemented by UNDP.

Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09