„Natura 2000 in the frame" in Mali Dnevnik

A team of small investigative journalists from the desk “Mali Dnevnik” became interested in the exhibition of photographs “Natura 2000 in the frame” on Kalemegdan. Driven by the desire to find out how it came about that fantastic photos of natural beauties throughout Serbia can be found in Belgrade's centre, they set out to personally get answers to everything that interested them. As real little professionals, they talked to Marija Ristic, biologist and  member of the project “EU for Natura 2000 in Serbia” and Violeta Milutinovic, one of the awarded authors.

The exhibition was organized by the project “EU for Natura 2000 in Serbia” in cooperation with the Energy Portal and with the support of the EU Delegation of Serbia. It originated from the photo competition “Natura 2000 in the frame” that was held from September to November last year. “The goal is to show the beautiful landscapes of Serbia through incredible photographs, as well as to raise public awareness of the importance of nature conservation” said Marija Ristic to small journalists. She added that out of 1,500 participant  photos, 34 were selected including the three winning to be shown at the exhibition on the Park Veliki Kalemegdan, Savsko šetalište during March and April. “We invite primary school teachers to visit the exhibition together with their students during a walk through Kalemegdan” said Marija.

Little journalists were interested in what photographer's eyes of catch and how the photo that won the second prize was created.

“Every photographer notice specific details, no matter what they photograph. These are details that we do not notice in everyday life, but photos allow us to see the world around us more precisely – the large eyes of a grasshopper, the hairy body of a fly, a spider web with insects, drops of dew on flowers, claws on birds of prey” Violeta explained. She believes that it is unnecessary to have expensive photo equipment, because great photos can  also be recorded with a mobile phone.

Her photo “Defiance” which won the second prize, was taken during one winter in the Special Nature Reserve Carska bara. “It was very cold with a lot of snow. The photo shows a Great white heron and a Cormorant. In such conditions, they fight for every bite of food, at that moment, they were looking for a fish. The very moment of “Defiance” lasted for a short time, and I was lucky to notice and photograph it”, Violeta said.

When filming in nature, Violeta wears a special camouflage suit that caught a small reporter's attention. “It allows me to hide from animals more easily, I look like a tree to them, so they are less afraid, and it lets me take a better photo”, Violeta explained. She added that she used to use branches and leaves to hide and take photos, but now, it is much easier for her to camouflage.

The exhibition, which will last until the end of April, shows photographs of protected areas and landscapes, natural beauties, flora and fauna in Serbia, as well as sustainable human activities in nature. They remind citizens of the importance of environmental protection and the diversity of flora and fauna in our country.

The show Mali Dnevnik can be found on the following link.

In addition to the exhibition at Kalemegdan, Serbia's fantastic landscapes during April and May will also be shown on city buses in Belgrade, Nis and Novi Sad.

If you think there is a wolf or a bird in or on your bus – you will not be fooled. 

Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09