On August 13, 2019, a meeting was held at the Republic Geodetic Authority within the project "EU for a Better Environment - Development of a Framework for Harmonization with EU Legislation in the Field of Air, Chemicals and Horizontal Issues (EAS3)".

The meeting was attended by members of the project team Marko Slokar, Jitka Faugnerova, Jana Bashistova and Dusan Pihler, as well as Snezana Prokic from the Ministry of Environmental Protection and employees of the Center for Geospatial Data Management.

The EAS 3 project aims to provide technical support for further alignment of the legal and institutional framework with the EU environmental acquis, in particular for the needs of Negotiating Group 27 on the environment and climate change.

The project plans to develop plans for the direct implementation of specific directives (DSIP), one of which relates to the implementation of the INSPIRE directive. This document will provide a clearly defined cross-section of the situation and a description of the further steps that the competent institutions should take in the process of planning and implementing activities aimed at full transposition of the INSPIRE Directive.

The content of the DSIP was discussed at the meeting, and in that sense its amendments were made, the work plan for the next period was harmonized, the description of the tasks of domestic and foreign experts was specified, as well as the deadlines for the implementation of defined activities.

A preliminary agenda has been agreed for the meeting of the Working Group for the INSPIRE Directive, which is planned for September 24, 2019. Through the work of the Working Group, a high degree of cooperation between the competent institutions is expected, which will contribute to the efficient implementation of the INSPIRE directive.

Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09