EU for Natura 2000 in Serbia on Green Fest

One of the most important Festivals in Serbia, the International festival of green culture "Green Fest", under the highlighted topic "What future we want?" starts today.

For this year, in this 11th call the project ”EU for Natura 2000 in Serbia” is also part of the event and will be represented in a panel discussion.

Seven Full Feature Films, 13 Nature films, 5 Animated films, 16 short films, 9 in the category if Southeast Europe films, three films made by young cinematographers and three with just one-minute duration - the program that you can follow from 26th October to 4th November.

Ana Iñigo, team leader of Natura 2000 project, together with Francesco Rasero and Daniel Pavlić are the member jury who have selected the 2020 film winners.

The panel “EU Green Deal, nature and climate changes” will be held on November 2nd. It will be discussing how the EU Green Deal can be the support to establishing of ecological network Natura 2000 and decreasing risks of climate change. One of the topics will be how protected areas can help us to mitigate climate changes and to comply with it. The participants of the panel are Manager of IUCN ECARO Boris Erg, expert of the EU law and expert for Nature protection legislation within the project “EU for Natura 2000 in Serbia” Zoran Sretić, botanist and professor of the Biology Faculty University of Belgrade and Institute for botanic and botanical garden „Jevremovac“ and expert for habitats on the project Natura 2000 Predrag Lazarević, as well as Biology Faculty in Belgrade docent Imre Krizmanić. The moderator of the panel is Duška Dimović from WWF Adria Serbia.

Natura 2000 is a crucial instrument for biodiversity protection in the European Union. It is an ecological network of protected areas that are established to secure the survival of the most valuable species and habitats. It is based on the Birds Directive and Habitat Directive. It is a green infrastructure that offers the protection of numerous ecosystems and ensuring that European nature systems stay healthy and resistant. Its role in the climate change mitigation is essential, maintaining the health ecosystem and essential ecosystem services, as water providing and carbon sequestration.

Join our panel and the Fest via link 

Bear in mind that Green Fest this year will be online, due to specific epidemiological situation.

Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09