Draft Programme of Air Protection with Action Plan was presented in the National Assembly

On June 14, the Informal Green Parliamentary Group (ZPG) held a cross-sectorial meeting with representatives of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and representatives of the "EU for a Better Environment" project. The topic of the meeting was the presentation of the Draft Programme of Air Protection in the Republic of Serbia with Action Plan, as well as the activities of the Ministry in this field. In addition, the Analysis of the Legislative Framework for Air Protection was presented. The meeting was opened with introductory words by Lidija Radulovic on behalf of the ZPG Secretariat, Parliament member and ZPG Coordinator Dubravka Filipovski and Zorica Korac, on behalf of the United Nations Development Program.

After that, the Assistant Minister in the Ministry of Environmental Protection, Aleksandra Imsaragic Djuric, presented the activities of the Ministry in the field of air protection. Project experts who participated in the drafting of the Programme of Air Protection in the Republic of Serbia, project director Stevan Pechitch and project expert Matej Gasperic presented the draft program itself. The MPs present had a significant number of questions on the content of the plan, and measures of financial support to citizens appeared as the main topic. The meeting ended with the presentation of the Analysis of the Legislative Framework for Air Protection, which was presented by the author of the analysis, Ognjan Pantic.

The intersectoral meeting was attended by MPs: Bojan Torbica, Bosiljka Srdić, Branimir Jovanovic, Bratimir Vasiljevic, Goran Kovacevic, Jasmina Karanac, prof. dr. Ljubisa Stojmirovic, Marko Parezanovic, Milija Miletic, Dr. Muamer Bacevac, Nenad Krstic, Nenad Mitrovic, Nevena Veinovic, Nevenka Kostadinova, Olja Petrovic, Samira Cosovic, Tomislav Jankovic, Vesna Ivkovic, Zoran Bojanic and Zarko Bogatinovic.

Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09